Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chapter 5 and 6 Quotations

Chapter 5.

1.Page 39

1."Do you all know what is going on in Bayonne?"

This shows a conflict in the children's knowledge. They do not know what is happening to Jefferson and why. If they knew he reason they would stop playing and get their education. Later Grant explains what is going to happen to Jefferson. This sets a image in the students heads. Now that they know they stopped playing and will try to get their education so they could escape the white man's power.

2.Page 33

" The lord is my Shepard, I shall not want".

The theme is faith. This quote is basically saying God has your back. Anything you need the Almighty God will get it for you. Faith is something they needed back then.

Chapter 6.

1.Page 43

"Smart Man"

This quote characterizes Mr. Henri Pichot at the time. This quote really explains itself. It characterizes him just at this time though. He believed that Grant could get Jefferson ready to die. But, he did not know if that task would be done. This is why he did not bet against them but also did not bet with them.

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