Monday, February 13, 2017

Letter To An Advice Column

Dear Advice Columnist,

   My name is Grant Wiggins. I am a black school teacher but, I have a more serious problem than a math question. I have to turn a "hog" as the courthouse says to a man before he is put to rest.The problem is though I simply do not know how to do it. Every time I try to talk to him he either does not respond or says it doesn't matter. He is acting like a hog because they called him one. I really need some assistance could someone please help me ?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chapter 5 and 6 Quotations

Chapter 5.

1.Page 39

1."Do you all know what is going on in Bayonne?"

This shows a conflict in the children's knowledge. They do not know what is happening to Jefferson and why. If they knew he reason they would stop playing and get their education. Later Grant explains what is going to happen to Jefferson. This sets a image in the students heads. Now that they know they stopped playing and will try to get their education so they could escape the white man's power.

2.Page 33

" The lord is my Shepard, I shall not want".

The theme is faith. This quote is basically saying God has your back. Anything you need the Almighty God will get it for you. Faith is something they needed back then.

Chapter 6.

1.Page 43

"Smart Man"

This quote characterizes Mr. Henri Pichot at the time. This quote really explains itself. It characterizes him just at this time though. He believed that Grant could get Jefferson ready to die. But, he did not know if that task would be done. This is why he did not bet against them but also did not bet with them.

Chapter 5-6 discussion questions


1.The church was the meeting place for the black children school.

2.The school only met for 5 and a half months because the rest of the year the children was needed in the fields.

3.He wanted to put that in the children's head. He did not do that to scare the children but to motivate them in a type of way.

4. Mr.Ferrel came to Grant at the school to tell him that he would be able to visit Jefferson.


1. Grant has gone to Mr.Pichot's house.

2.Grants waits in the kitchen.

3.Enda makes Grant reach in order to shake her hand to show that she is above him. To show her superiority.

4. The white men thought Grant was insulting them because he was intelligent. He did not do what he was told and was to smart for himself.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Quotation Assignment

Chapter 3

"Am I supposed to go in there to"-page 17

This quote relates to the theme freedom. By Grant going back in that house to be specific that back door reminds him that once upon of time he was not free. Once you are a free man you would not want to remember anything that makes you recall the times that you were a slave. He never wanted to go through that back door ever again. Merely because he said he was to educated  to be there.

This quote also represents a conflict. It represents a self conflict. He now thinks he is to good to walk in that house. He is to educated to be there. But, he simply has to put his pride to the side for a good cause although he does not want to.

Chapter 3-4 Discussion Questions


1. By Mr.Henri saying he did it this redirects the plot narrative in many ways. This still shows the separation between the races still. Due to the fact of what time frame it is in a black person saying he didn't do anything means nothing. A white person would always think a black person is guilty of a crime like this.

2. When Grant said "She was looking at me but not seeing me" anyone could interpret that many ways. I think Grant is implying that she was looking at him but not thinking about him. Miss Emma's mind is on Jefferson. She keeps thinking about when they called him a hog. When Miss Emma keeps saying that he doesn't have to go she is trying to make Grant feel guilty. By making him feel guilty of course he is going to go.

3. The plantation symbolizes many things for Grant an his aunt. Although the biggest thing it symbolizes is slavery. This is the place where they had 0 freedom. The back door rankled Grant for many reasons. Before he went off to college his aunt told him that she never wanted to go through that back door never again.

4. Miss Emma prevails on Mr.Henri in a strong way. She repeatedly says " I done did a lot for this family". This makes him think on all the good she has done by that family. She is trying to persuade Mr.Henri on trying to let Grant turn Jefferson into a man.


1.By the narrator saying "slaughterhouse mostly for hogs" it expands and echo's on the public defenders summation in many ways. It alludes to the fact that the public defender wanted him dead as well. If there was a slaughterhouse mostly for hogs in town why would you compare the person you are defending as one.

2. The narrator wants to leave and flee somewhere else but there is something that is holding him back. He wants to flee because he does not feel free. He thinks the only reason he is there is to live and die there. Love is the thing that holds him back. He refuses to leave without Vivian. If it wasn't for her he would have been gone.