Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Classroom Blog Assignment

1. Why do you think they came up with different superstitions for the ghostly laughing?

2. Why do you think Kien continued to bandage Quang up after he told him not to?

3. Kien mentions how he and his platoon discovered a coffin with a live body in it. Who do you believe left him in the coffin alive?

4. Why do you think Kien and his platoon were astounded by this?

5. Why couldn't Kien concentrate on the story of Tung?

6. Why did the MIA team leave rice, salt, medicines in the hut?

7. Why do you think the supplies the MIA team left were untouched when they returned back to the hut?

8. How did Kien reacted when someone told him he was sleeping next to a dead body?  

9. Why was the big solider feel embarrassed when he tripped over the dead body?

10. What does loathing mean?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blog Assignment 6

1. Do parents ever pressure their children to achieve ? Why do you think so ?

Parents pressure their children to achieve because they want their children to be the best they can be. They do not want their kids I'm the streets, or committing crimes that would put them in bad situations. Overall more parents should continue to pressure their kids to help reduce the poverty and crime rates.

2. What are some of the conflicts that parents and children have?

One of the main conflicts parents and children have are their friends. Parents are skeptical about who their kids hang with because they think they are bad influences. In my case sometimes my mother questions some of my friends I hang with, but I make he lose suspicion by keeping my grades up.

3. Do you feel that people can be anything they want to be?

I feel if people put their mind to something they can be anything they want to be. To often today many people give up because they cannot handle the work needed to be done to be successful. There will be many road block along the journey, but success was never promised to be easy.

4. Do all conflicts have a winner?

I believe some conflicts do have a winner and some do not have one. I say this because some people are unyielding to what others have to say and is not willing to resolve a conflict. Although, there are some people who will set their differences aside to make a common agreement.

5. Compare your relationship with your parents to Chinese children's relationship with their parents in China.

My relationship with my parents have a some similarities to those of Chinese families. The major similarity is that my parents are hard on me about my school work. My parents require me to take all advanced classes so I have a better chance to be successful, much like Chinese parents who are strict when it comes to grades.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 4

 Quote #1: "I could bear to listen to it only once each year, for all the memories of my mother playing it when I was a child."  Chapter 16 page 264

1. A theme in the story, "Memories are priceless" can be supported by this quote.

2. This quote characterizes Cheryl because it shows how much her mother's memories mean to her.

Quote #2: "I'm with you always." Chapter 16 page 269

1. This quote characterizes Cheryl's mother by explaining to the reader that she didn't want her family to mourn over death. She told them this quote repeatedly to let them know that although she is dying, she will continue to be apart of them.

2. Earlier in the book, a theme that was recognized in the book was letting go and moving on. This quote indicates that Cheryl's mother wanted them to not have her death linger in their minds.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blog post Assignment 3


In this article they are talking about the overall problem that people are coming to this trail unprepared. Each year more and more people are coming to the PCT. This means each year more and more people are coming unprepared. In this article they are trying to convince people to come to this trail prepared. If you know this trail is very vigorous and challenging why would you come unprepared? In this article it says that if you call in and you are hurt that it will not be a guarantee that they will come and help you {Although there are park rangers out there that will assist you}.It also states that you will not be their main priority if you call in saying that you are injured. You can not get ready for this trail in a week. This trail takes months of preparation and training to get ready for. So when going on this trail make sure you have everything you need when going on a long hike like this. This article says these are some of the things you may need when going on this trail, Bandages,a map,a compass, and things of that nature. Do not bring anything you do not need on this trail.


It takes five days to get from Taka to Rocket Llama and the two mountains are right next to each other.


Each year the number of people increases by 5%. The number of people come unprepared increases by 2% each year.


If you are injured on this trail why would you not be their main priority? People safety should come first right?

You can read more about this article at http://www.pcta.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/PCT_safety_Summer2014_Communicator.pdf?884c9e